In a complex case of monochorionic twin pregnancy, doctors at Shanya Scans and Theranostics successfully reduced one fetus with acrania using laser technique, enabling the birth of the healthy baby.
In a complex case of monochorionic twin pregnancy, doctors at Shanya Scans and Theranostics successfully reduced one fetus with acrania using laser technique, enabling the birth of the healthy baby.

Doctors at Shanya Scans and Theranostics, Lucknow, achieved a rare feat by resolving a complex issue of monochorionic twin pregnancy using laser technology. They used interstitial laser to selectively reduce one fetus with acrania of the twins developing in the womb of a 36-year-old woman, paving the way for the birth of a healthy baby. This woman had previously experienced five miscarriages. The intricate procedure was done under the able guidance of Dr. Pratima Radhakrishnan, a fetal medicine expert from Bengaluru, by Dr. Aditi Agrawal, Director of Fetal Medicine at Shanya Scans and Theranostics.

Dr. Aditi Agrawal, Director of Fetal Medicine at Shanya Scans and Theranostics, Lucknow, who successfully conducted the procedure, explained, "Unfortunately, one of the twins in the woman's womb was developing without a skull, a condition referred to as acrania in medical science."

She stated, "To address this complex situation, we decided to reduce the abnormal fetus using interstitial laser. In this procedure, we used laser technique to coagulate the blood supply to the underdeveloped fetus. This procedure is highly complex and requires precision, making it a rare case."

Dr. Pratima Radhakrishnan stated, "Monoamniotic twins share the same placenta and can have complications because of the placental sharing. These are structurally normal fetuses. Fetoscopic laser and interstitial laser can help provide a solution to these complications and ensure a healthy pregnancy. Every fetus has the right to live. They should definitely be given a chance."

Following a successful procedure, both mother and baby are healthy. The mother gave birth to a healthy baby in her 35th week of pregnancy, who is now completely fine.

This successful procedure marks the first of its kind in the region, highlighting the expertise of doctors at Shanya Scans and Theranostics in treating complex pregnancies. Treatment for serious complications in monochorionic twins using fetoscopic laser is now available at Shanya Scans and Theranostics providing a ray of hope for women grappling with such complex pregnancies.

Dr. Narvesh Kumar, MD and CEO of Shanya Scans and Theranostics, stated, "Treatment for complex conditions like monochorionic pregnancies is available at Shanya Scans and Theranostics. Currently, we are consistently providing the public with facilities that were previously unavailable in Lucknow, whether in fetal medicine, nuclear medicine, or radiology. We have recently started RF Ablation, a facility that was previously only available at large centers, now initiated at Shanya Scans and Theranostics. Additionally, the facility of Internalization of the Stent in the Biliary Tract is also available here."